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Blood physiology fakultatywny| - Biotechnology - ogólnoakademicki - II stopień - I i II st. magisterskich - |12752020-04-23 6

wybrano: 1275

Blood physiology

Sylabus zajęć

Informacje podstawowe

Kierunek studiów
Jednostka organizacyjna
Wydział Biologii
Poziom studiów
Studia drugiego stopnia
Forma studiów
Studia stacjonarne
Profil studiów
Profil ogólnoakademicki
Cykl dydaktyczny
Języki wykładowe
Blok zajęciowy
Przedmioty nieprzypisane
Koordynator zajęć
dr hab. Lucyna Mrówczyńska,
Prowadzący zajęcia
dr hab. Lucyna Mrówczyńska,
Semestr 4
Forma zajęć / liczba godzin / forma zaliczenia
  • Wykład: 15, Ćwiczenia/laboratoria: 15, Zaliczenie z oceną
Liczba punktów ECTS

Cele kształcenia dla zajęć

1. Provide knowledge about development of the hematopoietic system in ontogenesis. 2. Presenting dynamics of normal hematopoiesis and differnt types of bone marrow disorders. 3. Describe of objectives, types and risk of blood transfusions and hematopoetic stem cell transplantation. 4. Provide knowledge about haemorrhagic diarrhea and anemia. 5. Presenting the human red blood cell as a model for the study of toxic effects of biotic and abiotic factors under physiological and oxidative stress conditions. 6. Provide knowledge about drug delivery by red blood cells. 7. Providing knowledge about preservation and storage of blood and blood products, artificial blood and blood replacement. 8. Improving skills in work with human blood cells, confocal microscope, scanning electron microscope, flow cytometer (FACS). 9. Developing skills in planning experiments with blood components and blood data analysis.

Wymagania wstępne

cell biology, animal anatomy and physiology.

Efekty uczenia się dla zajęć

Symbol EU dla zajęć/przedmiotuPo zakończeniu zajęć i potwierdzeniu osiągnięcia EU student/ka:Symbole EK dla kierunku studiów
Efekt_01Describe development of the human hematopoietic system and characterize hematopoietic stem cells. K_W01, K_K02
Efekt_02Describe bone marrow structure in physiological and pathological conditions and present the causes of bone marrow disorders.K_W04, K_K01
Efekt_03List and compare different sources of hematopoietic stem cells for transplantation. K_W05, K_U04
Efekt_04Describe haemorrhagic diarrhea and anemia and list of reasons of shortening of erythrocyte life span. Compare physiological significance of neocytolysis and eryptosis. K_W05, K_U04
Efekt_05Work with human erythrocytes as a useful cell model in the study of natural and syntetic bioactive factors (including nanoaprticels) under physiological and oxidative stress conditions.K_W09, K_U04, K_W04, K_K05, K_U07, K_U05
Efekt_06Describe red blood cells as a natural drug transporters. K_W05, K_W09, K_W11
Efekt_07Know problems during conventional blood storage in blood banks and the effects of blood banking time on the critical parameters of erythrocytes. K_W09, K_W04
Efekt_08List and compare blood transfusion risks.K_W05, K_W04
Efekt_09Describe and compare artificial red blood cells and different types of blood substitutes.K_W05, K_W09, K_K08, K_U04
Efekt_10Compare normal and pathological bone marrows slides and blood smear, perform blood slides, analyse blood cells populations using confocal microscope, electron scanning microscope and flow cytometer. K_W04, K_W08, K_W09, K_K01, K_K04

Treści programowe

Lp. Treści programowe dla zajęć/przedmiotu Symbol EU dla zajęć/przedmiotu

Prenatal and postnatal hematopoiesis - the properties and functions that define hematopoietic stem cells and hematopoetic niches.

Efekt_01, Efekt_09

Bone marrow structure, types and functions in health and diseases (aplastic anemia, acute and chronic leukaemia, lymphoma, radiation and chemical injury, aging-induced alterations).

Efekt_02, Efekt_01

Sources and classification of hematopoietic stem cells for transplantation: bone marrow, peripheral blood, mobilized peripheral blood and cord blood.

Efekt_03, Efekt_01

Causes, types and symptoms of haemorrhagic diarrhea and anemia; modification of normal erythrocyte life span – neocytolysis, erytptosis, oxidative stress-induced haemolysis.

Efekt_04, Efekt_07, Efekt_05

Erythrocytes as a useful cell model in the study of toxic effects of biotic and abiotic factors.

Efekt_05, Efekt_07, Efekt_06

Application and safety of red blood cells as a novel drug delivery system.


Banking of blood problems – storage-related damage and morphological changes of red blood cells.

Efekt_07, Efekt_05, Efekt_04

Blood transfusion-transmitted diseases.


Development of artificial red blood cells and blood substitute.

Efekt_06, Efekt_07, Efekt_09

Analysis of intact and fixed blood cells, and different types of slides of bone marrow.


Informacje dodatkowe

Metody i formy prowadzenia zajęć
Sposoby ocenianiaSymbole EK dla modułu zajęć/przedmiotu
Kryteria oceniania wg skali stosowanej w UAM
bardzo dobry (bdb; 5,0):
dobry plus (+db; 4,5):
dobry (db; 4,0):
dostateczny plus (+dst; 3,5):
dostateczny (dst; 3,0):
niedostateczny (ndst; 2,0):


Wydawnictwa książkowe

    1. Rogers K.: Blood: physiology and circulation, Britannica Educational Publishing, New York, 2011
    2. Bonifer C., Cockerill P.N. : Transcriptional and Epigenetic Mechanisms Regulating Normal and Aberrant Blood Cell Development, Springer , Heidelberg New York Dordrecht Lond, 2014

Artykuły w czasopismach

    1. Lang E., Lang F. (2015): Mechanisms and pathophysiological significance of eryptosis, the suicidal erythrocyte death., Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology, 39: 35–42
    2. Pretorius E, Olumuyiwa-Akeredolu OO, Mbotwe S, Bester J. (2016): Erythrocytes and their role as health indicator: Using structure in a patient-orientated precision medicine approach., Blood Rev. , 30: 263-73
    3. Villa CH, Seghatchian J, Muzykantov V. (2016): Drug delivery by erythrocytes: "Primum non nocere"., Transfus Apher Sci., 55: 275-80
    4. Lux S.E (2016): Anatomy of the red cell membraneskeleton: unanswered questions., Blood, 127: 187-199
    5. Kolb HJ. (2017): Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and cellular therapy. , HLA, 89: 267-277
    6. Kansagra AJ, Stefan MS (2016): Preoperative Anemia: Evaluation and Treatment. , Anesthesiol Clin., 34: 127-41
    7. Christersson C, Johnell M, Siegbahn A. (2013): Evaluation of microparticles in whole blood by multicolour flow cytometry assay. , Scand J Clin Lab Invest., 73: 229-39
    8. Grzyb T, Mrówczyńska L, Szczeszak A, Śniadecki Z, Runowski M, Idzikowski B, Lis S. (2015): Synthesis, characterization, and cytotoxicity in human erythrocytes of multifunctional, magnetic, and luminescent nanocrystalline rare earth fluorides. , J Nanopart Res., 17:399
    9. Foucher B, Vila L. (2016): Bone marrow smear examination in the diagnosis of Niemann-Pick B disease. , Blood, 128: 738
    10. Ząbczyk M, Sadowski M, Zalewski J, Undas A. (2015): Polyhedrocytes in intracoronary thrombi from patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction. , Int J Cardiol., 179:186-7
    11. Risso A, Ciana A, Achilli C, Antonutto G, Minetti G. (2014): Neocytolysis: none, one or many? A reappraisal and future perspectives. , Front Physiol., 5: 54
    12. Viskupicova J, Blaskovic D, Galiniak S, Soszyński M, Bartosz G, Horakova L, Sadowska-Bartosz I. (2015): Effect of high glucose concentrations on human erythrocytes in vitro. , Redox Biol. , 5: 381-7

Nakład pracy studenta i punkty ECTS

Forma aktywności Średnia liczba godzin* na zrealizowanie aktywności
Godziny zajęć (wg planu studiów) z nauczycielem
Praca własna studenta:
Przygotowanie do zajęć
Czytanie wskazanej literatury
Przygotowanie pracy pisemnej, raportu, prezentacji, demonstracji, itp.
Przygotowanie projektu
Przygotowanie pracy semestralnej
Przygotowanie do egzaminu / zaliczenia

* godzina (lekcyjna) oznacza 45 minut